
15 years Of Experience & Expertise

15 years Of Experience & Expertise

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More than 50 Thousand Satisfied Patients

India's No 1 Ayurvedic Treatment Center

India's No 1 Ayurvedic Treatment Center

Research based Medecine & Wellness Product

Research based Medecine & Wellness Product

[ Haemorrhoid ]

Introduction :-

Hemorrhoids are inflamed and dilated or swollen  veins found in and around  anus or the lower part of the rectum. There are two types of Hemorrhoids ( Piles ) :-
  • External haemorrhoids, which are formed under the skin around  anus
  • Internal hemorrhoids, which are formed in the lining of  anus and lower rectum

 Causes :-
Too much pressure on the veins around the anus causes Hemorrhoids.
  • Excess Straining during bowel movements.
  • Sitting on the toilet for long  time can start the hemorrhoidic process
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea.
  • Consuming  a low-fibre  diet.
  • Weakening of the supporting tissues in  anus and rectum. This can happen with aging and pregnancy.
  • Frequently lifting heavy objects.
Symptoms :-

Intense itching around the anus.
  • Painful or itchy swelling or lump near your anus.
  • Painful bowel movements.
  • Bleeding from your anus during or after bowel movements.
  • Irritation and pain around the anus.
  • Leakage of stool.
 Ayurvedic Perspective :-

According to Ayurveda dominant dosha determines the type of hemorrhoids :-
  • People who are pitta prakrati might tend to experience inflamed, bleeding hemorrhoids that are soft and red. Other symptoms include fever, diarrhea, and a feeling of thirst.
  • People who are vata prakrati may experience a high level of pain, constipation, and black hemorrhoids with a rough, hard texture.
  • People who are kapha prakrati may have poor digestion and hemorrhoids that are slippery, light or white in color, soft, and large in size.

Complications :-

Complications of hemorrhoids are rare but include:
  • Anemia. Rarely, chronic blood loss from hemorrhoids may cause anemia.
  • Strangulated hemorrhoid. If the blood supply to an internal hemorrhoid is cut off, the hemorrhoid may be "strangulated," which can cause extreme pain.
  • Blood clot. A clot can form in a hemorrhoid (thrombosed hemorrhoid) occasionally that may not be dangerous, but it can be extremely painful and sometimes needs to be lanced and drained.
Treatment @
Vedhive Ayurveda :-

At Vedhive Ayurveda we design a unique personalized treatment plan by identifying root cause of   Piles in patients with proper Naadi- Parikshan ( Pulse Diagnosis ) and investigations as each patient has a unique set of Prakriti, doshic properties and causative factors – all of which are considered before giving treatment and medicines. This level of customization makes it possible to address the disease with more accuracy.
          We also provide Diet-chart, several Lifestyles recommendations ( Do’s and Don’t ) along with required Yoga and Pranayams to fulfill the treatment.
          Ayurveda ensures wellbeing by improving the body’s own self-healing and balancing processes and does not depend on any external or foreign element to substitute or correct the hormones in the body. It focuses on the holistic treatment  with a view to improve the general wellbeing and quality of life.

Dietary management :-

Diet plays a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of illnesses and the preservation of good health. “Annam Brahmam”-Food has been likened to God in ancient Indian scriptures, as it is the key element in maintaining and nurturing life.

Diet Instruction
[ Piles ]






White Rice, Brown Rice, Wheat, Amaranth, Foxatail millet, Perl millet, Finger millet,Sorghum,Buckwheat, Little millet

Refined flour and its products


All pulses and Legumes





Sweet potato, Pumpkin, Tomatoes, Eggplant, Red onoin, Radish, Celery, Zucchini, Coriander, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Mushroom, Potato, Fenugreek leaves, Bitter gourd, Bottle gourd, Yam, Carrot, Peas, Okra, Kale, Broccoli.

Frozen vegetables & Canned vegetables.




Watermelon, Muskmelon, Banana, Apple, Figs, Mango, Licthi, Pear, Coconut, All types of berries, Orange, Grapes, Custard apple, Sweet lime, Sapodilla, Pineapple, Pomegranate.

Over use of Banana, Canned fruits and juices.


Buttermilk, Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Tofu, Yogurt, Low fat milk, Curd.

Cream Cheese, unpasteurized Cheese, Condensed milk, Whole milk & Cream, Full - Fat Yogurt.



Roasted Chicken, Grilled Fish, Skinless Chicken, Egg White, Lean meat.



Red meat ( Beef, Lamb, Pork ), Processed & Fried meat, Fishes like - ( Swordfish, King Mackerel, Marlin, Bluefin Tuna, Tilefish.)



Cinnamomum, Fennel, Carom, Cumin, Turmeric, Coriander 



Red chillies, Pepper, Ginger.



Sunflower oil, Mustard oil, Rice bran oil, Canola oil, Cow ghee, Olive oil.



Coconut oil, Butter, Palm oil, Cream.



White Rice



White Rice



Sugarcane juice, Buttermilk, Milk, shakes, Herbal Tea, Coconut water, Homemade soupes, Green juice, Aloe Vera juice, Smoothie, Wheatgrass juice.



Carbonated drinks, Whole milk drinks, Canned soupes and packaged soups, Sweetened drinks, Squashes, Cream based Liqueurs, Alcohol.



White Rice, Honey Jaggery 



Refined Sugar, Artificial Sweetener, Packed soups, Bakery and Processed food, Pickels, Fried food, Junk food 


[ Piles ]



[ 7 AM ]

Warm water + 1 Tsf Flax seed / Wheat grasss juice / Aloe vera juice.


[ 9 AM ]


Veg Semolina ( Veg upma ) / Veg Vermicelli / Chapati with Veg or Dal / Broken wheat porridge / Veg Idli / Oats / Missi Roti / Stuffed Chapati.



[ 12 Noon ]

Coconut water / Fruit juice / Prune juice / Coconut milk / Lemon water / Fruit / Herbal Tea.


[ 2 PM ]


Rice  +  Salad  + Chapati   + Brown Rice  +  Dal / Chicken ( Once in a week ).


[ 6 PM ]


Homemade Soup / Sprouts / Roasted chane / Green Tea / Herbal Tea / Vermicelli.


[ 10 PM ]


Chapati  +  Vegetables  +  Dal


Get An Effective Piles Treatment from The Best Piles Doctor in Kolkata

Arsha is the term used in Ayurveda to describe piles. To cure Piles or Arsha, we at Vedhive assist our patients in maintaining a healthy lifestyle rather than treating illness temporarily. As a consequence of this approach, our piles specialist doctor in Kolkata provides effective treatment by leveraging their expertise and in-depth knowledge regarding Piles. They usually divide the pile's grade into four sections, and the technique they are using is stated below –

At Grade I, natural medicines, such as ayurvedic herbs, are recommended by our best
piles doctor in Kolkata to help normalize bowel movements and treat other concerns such as bleeding.
In Grade II, Ayurvedic treatment focuses on enhancing the body's Agni. No surgery is required at this stage. Our piles specialist doctor in Kolkata prescribes unique ayurvedic herbs to help minimize swelling and the development of the hemorrhoid mass.
When piles reach the advanced level of Grade III, our experienced piles doctor in Kolkata recommends removing the pile mass. This stage necessitates the use of a particular technique called Kshara Sutra, which is an ayurvedic approach for naturally treating hemorrhoids. This technique heals the rectum while also avoiding further complications.
 At Grade IV, many patients are experiencing severe bleeding, pain, and swelling. In this phase, our best piles doctor in Kolkata prioritizes cleaning the large pile mass. Furthermore, this stage may result in anemia, which must be addressed as soon as possible to avoid serious medical issues.



           Doe's [ Pathya ]
  • drink lots of fluid and eat plenty of fibre to keep your stool soft
  • wipe your bottom with damp toilet paper
  • take paracetamol if piles hurt
  • take a warm bath to ease itching and pain
  • use an ice pack wrapped in a towel to ease discomfort
  • gently push a pile back inside
  • keep your bottom clean and dry
  • exercise regularly
  • cut down on alcohol and caffeine (like tea, coffee and cola) to avoid constipation
          Don't [ Apathya ]
  • do not wipe your bottom too hard after you poo
  • do not ignore the urge to poo
  • do not push too hard when pooing
  • do not take painkillers that contain codeine, as they cause constipation
  • do not take ibuprofen if your piles are bleeding
  • do not spend more time than you need to on the toilet

Product for Piles

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