[ Purush Granthi Soth ]
Introduction :-
Prostatitis is a health complications which comes under male reproductive issues. In this complications infection and inflammation of prostate glands occurs.
Prostate glands are present just below the mab's urinary bladder and help in the formation of seminal fluid for the Semen.
Prostatitis can be categorised as :-
- Acute bacterial prostatitis
- Chronic bacterial prostatitis
- Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome
- Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis
Causes :-
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Physical injury.
- Nervous system disorders.
- Pelvic floor muscle spasms.
- Uric acid complications.
- Stress.
- Benign Prostatic Hyperplacia (BPH )
- Prostate Cancer.
- Bladder infections or bladder stones.
- Surgery or biopsy requiring use of a urinary catheter.
- Prostate stones.
- Urinary retention (not emptying the bladder completely).
- UTI ( Urinary tract infection )
Symptoms :-
- Pain and burning sensation while Urinating.
- Frequent urge for urination.
- Urinary incontinence.
- Weak Urine flow or urine flow in dribble.
- Pain in the penis, testicles or perineum (area between the testicles and rectum).
- Pus or bleeding may present in Semen or Urine.
- Pain during or after Ejaculation and Intercourse
- Pain and stiffness may present in Pelvis, Buttocks, Lower back and Genitals.
- Pain on Glans Penis or Tip of Penis.
- Fever and chills may occur in severe case.
Who is prone
to prostatitis?
You could be at risk of developing prostatitis if -
- You are below the age of 50 years.
- You have had prostatitis before.
- You are suffering from an infection in the urethra or bladder.
- You have been injured in the pelvic region. Example: Injuries from horse riding or cycling.
- You use a urinary catheter.
- You have HIV or AIDS.
- You have had a prostate biopsy.
Ayurvedic Perspective :-
In Ayurved Prostatitis is named as “ Purush Granthi Soth”. There is complain of difficulty in urination due to imbalance in the functioning of “ Apaan Vayu”.
It is compared to “Mootrakrichha”.Different types of Mootrakrichha is mentioned in Ayurved.
- Vataj Mootrakrichha
- Pittaj Mootrakrichha
- Kaphaj Mootrakrichha
- Sannipataj Mootrakrichha
Complications :-
Prostatitis can have complications if left untreated.These include :-
- Bacteraemia or bacterial infection in the blood
- Epididymitis or inflammation of the coiled tube at the back of the testicles.
- Prostatic abscess or a pus-filled cavity inside the prostate.
- In the case of chronic prostatitis, complications may also include infertility and semen abnormality.
Treatment @
Vedhive Ayurveda :-
At Vedhive Ayurveda we design a unique personalized treatment plan by identifying root cause of Prostatitis in patients with proper Naadi- Parikshan ( Pulse Diagnosis ) and investigations as each patient has a unique set of Prakriti, doshic properties and causative factors – all of which are considered before giving treatment and medicines. This level of customization makes it possible to address the disease with more accuracy.
We also provide Diet-chart, several Lifestyles recommendations ( Do’s and Don’t ) along with required Yoga and Pranayams to fulfill the treatment.
Ayurveda ensures wellbeing by improving the body’s own self-healing and balancing processes and does not depend on any external or foreign element to substitute or correct the hormones in the body. It focuses on the holistic treatment of Prostatitis with a view to improving the general wellbeing and quality of life of the person.
Dietary management :-
Diet plays a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of illnesses and the preservation of good health. “Annam Brahmam”-Food has been likened to God in ancient Indian scriptures, as it is the key element in maintaining and nurturing life.