Holistic Approach of Ayurveda

What is Ayurved?

Ayurveda which has been practiced for more than 5000 years is an ancient Indian Holistic system of medicine is based on achieving physical and mental harmony.
Ayurveda means science of life. "Ayu" means life and "Veda" means science. It was first recorded in the Vedas, the world’s oldest surviving literature.

of Ayurved :-

According to Ayurveda we find that everything in this universe ( including human being ) is composed of five basic components which is known as “Panch mahabhutas” namely –

  • Aakash ( Space )
  • Vayu ( Air )
  • Agni ( Fire )
  • Jal ( water )
  • Prithvi (Earth)         
                          These five Panch mahabhutas combine with each other to form three bio physical life forces ( or doshas ) within the human body :-
  • Vata ( Air + Space )
  • Pitta ( Fire + Water )
  • Kapha ( Water + Earth )
                                          All these three doshas collectively known as “Tridoshas”which are responsible for the regulation of biological physiological and psychological functioning of mind and body. In every individual all three bio-physical forces “Tridoshas” are present with the dominance of any one or two or all three to constitute the “Prakriti” of a person.

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